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Real Estate

Great salons in great locations

Reliable tenants

Great Clips is the largest and fastest growing salon brand in the world. With locations in all 50 states and throughout Canada, Great Clips is a small shop tenant that succeeds in a variety of markets and shopping centers. With 40+ years of franchising experience, Great Clips attracts top franchisees—reliable tenants who honor their leases, drive traffic to their centers and give back to their communities.

Exceptional reach and stability






annual haircuts



Preferred locations

Centers anchored by a grocery store, Target® or Walmart®
High-visibility strip malls and prime retail corridors
Middle- to upper-income, growing neighborhoods
900–1,200 square feet in size

Start something great

If you would like more information or have a site to propose for a Great Clips salon, please contact a Real Estate Manager in your area or email us.