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Operation: Healing Heroes

Documenting the lives of military veterans

The Operation: Healing Heroes Foundation began as a television series dedicated to sharing the stories of veterans across generations with people throughout the United States and Canada. In each episode, professional angler Jay Garstecki takes veterans into the great outdoors and documents their history and stories. 

Since its inception in 2015, Operation: Healing Heroes Foundation has expanded to provide financial support to veterans seeking treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To date, the program has helped more than 100 veterans living with PTSD get the assistance they need.

How Great Clips helps veterans

Great Clips is proud to be a founding sponsor of Operation: Healing Heroes. It’s an honor and a privilege to help ensure veterans in the United States and Canada can continue to share their stories and receive the help and treatment they deserve. We hope you will join us in supporting Operation: Healing Heroes by becoming part of its community of viewers and supporters.

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The Operation: Healing Heroes story

Operation: Healing Heroes came to life through professional angler Jay Garstecki’s work with Take a Vet Fishing, a nonprofit he co-founded in 2011. After five years of taking veterans fishing through the program and witnessing the power and healing effects it could have on PTS, Jay knew he needed a way to preserve and share the stories of veterans. And thus, the documentary series was born.

The show has now documented the lives of almost 60 veterans over the course of seven seasons on Discovery Channel, NBC Sports, Amazon Prime and several other streaming and television networks. Each episode highlights a different veteran as well as additional nonprofit organizations that help veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

In addition to documenting and sharing veterans’ stories, Operation: Healing Heroes provides financial support and other resources to veterans seeking assistance with PTSD.